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Dear seafarers, due to Covid-19 we had to close our Seamen’s club. But we are still here for you. Learn more about our new offers like a ship delivery in the harbours of Brunsbüttel or a chat with our chaplains.
If you need some products like Sim cards, Toiletries or just chocolate, then try out our new online shop: www.dsm-shop.org. The team of the Seamen’s Mission Brunsbüttel tries to deliver the articles as soon as possible.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us:
Land line: +49485287252
Stay in contact with us! You can chat with a chaplain via https://dsm.care/chat/.
You will find more information about the Seamen’s Mission on https://dsm.care/.
Many thanks for good service and hospitality all personal.
Vladimir Modestov
Bei meinem FSJ traf ich jeden Tag auf Menschen verschiedener Nationalitäten, die doch alle eines gemeinsam hatten: Sie sind fern von der Heimat und vermissen ihre Familie und Freunde. Die Seemannsmission bietet diesen Menschen eine Heimat während ihrer Arbeitszeit an Bord.
Gyde Schnoor
Ehemalige FSJ-lerin