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Dear seafarers, due to Covid-19 we had to close our Seamen’s club. But we are still here for you. Learn more about our new offers like a ship delivery in the harbours of Brunsbüttel or a chat with our chaplains.
If you need some products like Sim cards, Toiletries or just chocolate, then try out our new online shop: www.dsm-shop.org. The team of the Seamen’s Mission Brunsbüttel tries to deliver the articles as soon as possible.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us:
Land line: +49485287252
Stay in contact with us! You can chat with a chaplain via https://dsm.care/chat/.
You will find more information about the Seamen’s Mission on https://dsm.care/.
Thank you so much for a warm welcome. See you next time!
Crew der M/T Stanford
Wir haben durch die Arbeit von Arne in einer Reederei einen großen Bezug zur Seefahrt. Durch einen Sommerfestbesuch vor ein paar Jahren wurden wir von der Seemannsmission begeistert. Besonders beeindruckt sind wir von den positiven Stimmungen und Hoffnungen, die jeder Seemann bei seinem Besuch mitbringt.
Katrin und Arne Sahm